Learn more about who we are and our journey

Who we are
Isle of Cumbrae Distillers are one of Scotland’s finest Gin Distilleries, leveraging the spirit and soul of the historic town of Millport to create incredible gin.
Our gins portray landmarks and stories from the island and we plan to create products which have a significant connection to the island and its community.
It’s been an exciting journey but we’ve only just gotten started!

The Isle of Cumbrae Distillers Team
Whether to buy gin or tour the distillery, you will come face to face with our outstanding team.

Struan & Caroline
"We knew the moment we stepped off the ferry that we wanted to call the island home."
Caroline and Struan (married) are the primary distillers at Isle of Cumbrae Distillers Ltd where four different gins are produced (for now).We were both born and raised in Ayrshire and have years experience in the whisky industry, when by complete chance, we found ourselves moving to Millport early this year to run a gin distillery. The distillery was first established in 2019 by five ladies with a passion for the island. These five women came out of retirement to create something new and exciting on Cumbrae. They had a five year plan whereafter they would pass the torch, and this is where our story begins.
The Founders
Our founders are proud to be Millportians, and even prouder to be one of the few all-female gin distillery owners in Scotland. From a love with this quaint island island to a thriving enterprise, here are the whimsical, wise and wonderful women it all started with.

Bronwyn Jenkins-Deas
"I am a huge foodie and love learning about traditional Scottish cuisine – yes, I love haggis!"
Despite originally hailing from Canada, Bronwyn has been a “part-time Millportian” since 2002!
Her love of all-things Scottish (especially haggis) calls Millport home – a driving force for her contribution to this enterprise, and the island’s economic success.

Juli Dempsey
"I feel an immediate sense of calm when stepping off of the ferry at the Cumbrae slip."
Californian-turned-Millportian, Juli joined the island’s community after 20+ years in global health and education.
Stepping off the ferry, the magic of Cumbrae captured her heart. A magic she now helps spread through Isle of Cumbrae Distillers.

Lynda Gill
"We knew the moment we stepped off the ferry that we wanted to call the island home."
Having seen it all in the Travel sector, Lynda fell in love with Millport and knew she had never wanted to leave.
Was it the feeling? The community? The natural beauty? Yes, to all. Views from Glaid Stone, and across the Firth of Clyde are spellbinding.

Philippa Dalton
"I am excited to be part of the creation of the Isle of Cumbrae’s own gin."
In Cumbrae, weather can be wild! But it is in the softness, tranqulity, and friendliness that Philippa found the island irresistable.
Now she raises chickens, bees, and a slightly left-footed terrier named Bob.
Not to mention Gin!

Jenine Ward
"There's a saying here: living in Millport is the way life is supposed to be."
Emerging from a career in the Volunteer sector, Jenine settled in Millport after travelling Europe, and the world.
From the colony of seals outside her bedroom window, to the town’s festivals – this is home. contributing to the island’s future through this business is a perfect next chapter.